Sonntag, 15. Juli 2012

Art response to Mädchenblog

For this exercise I have selected an article from the blog I followed. Here the link:

It is about a challenge "Keep it real", that aims to show young girls that many of the photos on magazines are edited.

This campaign should reduce pressure on young girls because they always see beautiful thin models on magazines and want to look like them. In "Keep it real" each issue should include one digital photo unedited.

I think the campaign is great because many girls would see that the girls on the magazines are not "perfect" and that they also have problems such as cellulite or small breasts etc.

I really like the topics on this blog, the articles, videos or photos of important topics like anorexia, sexism, diets etc. help young people to be more confident and notice what is really important in life and on what it depends.


...aware of that they are other religions:

I think it was at the age of 6 or 7 in school. We had a weekly religious instrucion. I found these lessons always interesting. We sometimes went to the church with our teacher. He taught us much about the Catholic faith, about the customs and feasts of this religion.
I know it sounds stupid, but as a child I really thought that there is only one faith.

One day a new girl called Alma joined our class. She belonged to the Muslim faith. Than a few days later, we again had religious instruction but Alma was not there, she had a free period. I went to the professor and asked him why Alma can not be in class with all the other children. He told me that their parents do not want that and that she is not the same faith as we are. I was confused about this answer.

So the next day I asked Alma what her religion is. I told her as we pray and she explained that she would not pray like that and that her family used other practices. The next day my teacher gave me photos of the Muslim people that pray and he even showed us a video on Islam. From that moment I knew that there are other religions.

At first I was confused and irritated by this knowledge. But several conversations with my teacher and my parents gave me clear. Today I have become much more open and accept that there exist other religions etc. We must be aware that not all people are equal, but accept them anyway...,r:0,s:0,i:71

Blog art response

Female genital mutilation (FGM), also known as female genital cutting and female circumcision, is defined by the World Health Organizaton (WHO) as all procedures that involve partial or total removal of the external female genitalia, or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons.

FGM is typically carried out on girls from a few days old to puberty. It may take place in a hospital, but is usually performed, without anaesthesia, by a traditional circumciser using a knife, razor, or scissors.

According to the WHO, it is practiced in 28 countries in western, eastern, and north-eastern Africa, in parts of the Middle East, and within some immigrant communities in Europe, North America, and Australasia.

The WHO estimates that 100–140 million women and girls around the world have experienced the procedure, including 92 million in Africa. The practice is carried out by some communities who believe it reduces a woman's libido.


Freitag, 13. Juli 2012

Critical Response to "Mädchenblog"

This entry is going to be a critical response to the blog I am following (Mädchenblog)

Is "Mädchenblog" critical? I think it is because this blog includes so many topics. The authors talk for example about taboo topics such as abortion. They show not only negative things on this topic. They also show the background of a woman who aborts and why she does this.
(Interview with Sarah Diehl:

Does "MB" raises vital questions and problems, formulating them clearly and precisely? I answered this question also with YES. The blog deals with many subjects very well and is also very critical. F.e. there are many posts on fashion. It is about anorexia, dieting, beauty etc.

Especially one article, which answered these question, catched my eye: "LOOK GOOD IN ALL YOU DO" (i was shocked!!)

Article under:

Look good in all you do

The "message" of this picutre/article is that a woman should always just be beautiful. On the picture is a "perfect" and souped-clad woman. But one thing bothers: the beautiful woman has a black eye. Behind her is her husband standing in a patriarchal pose. We are obviously in a scene of domestic violence. But who cares as long as the woman is beautiful? Who cares about the beatings and humiliations, as long as the hair is sitting?

The GLAMOUR has arrived in the context of violent relationships. Rather than fight against violence this message shows us that the "true" women of today prefer to be beautiful. The message is wrong because it tells us that women would receive through styling, not through self-determination. The photographer Sarah Cameron sees her image as an act of art, which shifts the limits. The question is just in which way? Viewed from a capitalist point of view it has achieved one goal: the hairsalon is on everyone's lips.

Does "MB"gathers and assesses relevant information, using abstract ideas to interpret it effectively comes to well-reaseoned conclusions and solutions, testing them against relevant criteria and standards? The information MB gathers and assesses is relevant and important because it deals with topics of our ordinary life and so it affects everybody. The authors criticize many things like diets by young women or violence in a relationship. Many articles are supported by using interviews, pictures, movies, so the reader wants to know more about that.
F.e.: Not for Chubbies (

Does "MB" thinks openmindedly within alternative systems of thought, recognizing and assessing, as need be, their assumptions, implications and practical consequences? I also answered this question with YES because the authors from this blog have their own oppinion to certain things and they are not afraid to published their oppinion. They talk about taboo topics and things that no one dares to speak out. They influence the youth and are role models for women but for men as well. Here a very funny and interesting video:

Does "MB" communicates effectively with others in figuring out solutions to complex problems? The authors are talking to the visitors through videos, music, interviews, articles, statistics etc. That's the reason why I chose this blog. It identifies many problems and also solutions for them. It is practiced also critical on the society. I like that duck banned topics are discussed openly, I think it is a really good help for the visitors.

following a feminist blog

The aim of this blog is to treat a variety of women's issues. Over twenty writers write about topics such as inside the body, relationships, sexuality and friendship as well as psychology, pop culture and subculture, politics, education and training.

The joint venture sees itself as the answer to what preach "normal" youth or girl's magazines. The blog hat abou 50,000 visitors in the past year. The authors have gathered primarily through the Internet.

One of them is Dodo: "Feminism means, to recognize that there are differences between gender and that they are treated differently in society. We should analyze this and do something about it.

Dodo is a blogger who writes always whenever she finds somethint interesting.
Feminism and Genderpolitic are linked together, especially by the younger feminists and gender activists.

Systemic: Personal as Political


This picture is showing just one side of "Feminism" in cartoons..

This picture immediately caught my eye because you can see a clearly recognizable difference between a man and a woman.

It is set in conjunction with the Islamic faith.

In this religion many women are oppressed and have no rights. The man's position is
always over the womans and he is the one who determines all. Just as you can see this
on the example with the cake. The man stands a few steps above her, which shows that
he has more power than she. She is veiled and stands alone and helpless under him..

But is this the typical image we have from the Islam and the women in Islam?
Of course there are still strong differences in many regions between men and women to recognize. The women there have like I said before no rights and must do what is prescribed for them.

But in many areas this situation has changed: Many Muslim women do not want oppression any more! Many of them get an education and find good work. They become independent and their own boss. Some are financially dependent on their husbands and are afraid not to do it alone. Others are afraid of their man or the pressure of the family. However many Muslim women come out of this pattern ..

The reason why I chose this picture was to show the differences between a man and a woman especially in Islam.

Cartoon from Kinsella Paul on:

Montag, 2. Juli 2012

Feminist Remix

With this picture I wanted to show that everythin is possible.. you just have to try and fight for your dreams and rights, like Waris Dirie..!!

I think she is the perfect example for a strong and successful woman.. and her way was not easy..she was born into a nomad family living in the Somali desert near the tender age of five, she was forced to undergo the inhuman procedure of FGM (female genital mutilation). More than 8000 girls become victims of this heinous crime every the age of 13 her family she should marry a man who was old enough ot be her grandfather, so Waris fled her homeland..After a daring escape and many tribulations she arrived in London.. Her time there was not easy, but she never gave up!

From that moment a talent scout gave her the chance to become a supermodel.. and she took this chance ..

I think she is amazing and she shows young woman especially with no rights that if you are strong you are able to reach everything you want. That is the reason why I picked this collage..